
Walmart Canada's Economic and Social Contributions

Walmart cares about the communities we serve and is proud of the positive impact we make on them. But don’t just take our word for it. Look at our numbers. ​

We engaged Deloitte Canada and their economic and social impact consultants to prepare a socio-economic impact study. Our result is a study that reviews our impact in Canada - from our purpose and values, to our contributions, which boost the Canadian economy and supports communities.

To see the highlights of the report, watch the short clip below:

One of the findings of the report reveals that when there is a Walmart store added to a major metropolitan area, it leads to decrease in the price of a general basket of consumer goods [1]. In 2019, this translated to almost $1,000 in savings for Canadian families in these areas, no matter where they shopped.

Making life more affordable for Canadians is just one of the ways we contribute to the Canadian economy. The multi-year Impact Report also highlights how Walmart Canada supports Canadians through creating meaningful careers, supporting home-grown suppliers, and giving back to the community.

To read the reports prepared by Deloitte, click through below :

[1] This is based on the addition of one Walmart store per 100,000 population in a Census Metropolitan Area, between 2001-2019.
