Policies and Commitments
Accessibility Plan For Walmart Canada
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for Walmart Canada
The 2022 to 2026 Accessibility Plan applies to Walmart Canada within the Walmart group of companies to which AODA applies. This includes:
- Walmart Canada Corp. Stores in Ontario
- Walmart Logistics sites in Ontario
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
The 2022-2027 multi-year accessibility plan outlines the goals and initiatives that reaffirm Walmart Canada’s (“Walmart”) commitment to creating an accessible place to shop and building an equitable and inclusive environment that values the contributions of people with disabilities.
This plan is updated at least once every five years and posted on Walmart Canada’s website.
Statement of Commitment
Walmart is committed to treating everyone in a way that allows them to live with respect and maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, inclusion and equitable opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people living with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements, especially as they relate to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”).
Walmart is equally committed to supporting associates through advice, policies, tools, training, resources and governance structures that promote an inclusive and accessible workplace and support employees in delivering accessible goods, services and facilities.
Walmart has implemented a Customers with Disabilities Policy that applies to all stores in Canada to ensure that customers with disabilities are treated with respect and dignity in their shopping experience at Walmart.
Walmart has implemented a Duty to Accommodate Policy that applies to all associates in Canada to ensure that associates do not face barriers to working or continuing to work because of disabilities.
Accessible Emergency Information
Walmart is committed to providing its customers with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way upon request. Emergency procedure information is available to visitors of Walmart’s Home Office. Walmart also provides associates the opportunity to prepare individualized emergency response information plans to assist in the event of an emergency.
Walmart has provided computer-based training to all of its associates on the subject of customers living with disabilities and Walmart will ensure that the training remains current at all times.
Walmart will provide training to associates, managers, service-providers and volunteers on applicable accessibility laws and on human rights legislation as it relates to people living with disabilities. Training will be updated and provided on an on-going basis. Records of the training, including dates and the number of individuals in attendance will be maintained in accordance with AODA.
Walmart will consider the needs of people living with disabilities when procuring or acquiring self-service kiosks. Walmart will identify areas of its business in which kiosks are used and coordinate with its vendors and suppliers to ensure that appropriate accessibility features (technical, structural, access path, etc.) are included in the design of any future purchased kiosks.
Customer Service
Walmart strives to provide customers with disabilities with the same level of access to goods, services, and facilities as the rest of the population. This can and does include:
- Accommodating the use of assistive devices, service animals and support persons by customers with disabilities, or considering and making available alternative arrangements where this is not possible.
- Communicating with customers in a way which accounts for unique disabilities, including providing alternate communication formats (such as large print or Braille).
- Providing reasonable notice to the public of any temporary disruption to facilities and services and are normally made available to persons with disabilities, including the reason for the disruption, the anticipated duration of the disruption and a description of alternate services or facilities, if any, which are available to persons with disabilities during the disruption.
Information and Communications
Walmart is committed to meeting the communication needs of people living with disabilities.
Walmart has updated its websites and content on those sites to conform with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA.
Walmart will continue to i) assess current forms of company communication, ii) consider accessibility requirements when creating new forms of communication, iii) make appropriate changes and accommodations, and iv) ensure customers and associates are aware of how to participate in providing and receiving a response to feedback.
Walmart will continue to make sure all publicly available information is made accessible upon request and ongoingly assess all forms of information provided to the public and determine if there is anything that would make it hard for people/those living with a disability to read, see, hear or understand and establish processes for ensuring alternate formats are available in a timely manner.
Walmart is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
Walmart will accommodate people living with disabilities during the recruitment, assessment and hiring processes and during employment. Job posting and advertisements will inform prospective candidates that accommodation is available in the hiring process. Offers of employment will notify successful candidates of Walmart policies for accommodating people with disabilities.
Walmart will review current recruitment policies, job descriptions, processes and communications and amend as necessary, and as required by the AODA, to reflect required Integrated Accessibility Standards.
Upon the request of an employee with a disability, Walmart will consult with the associate to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for information that is needed in order to perform they employee’s job, and information that is generally available to Walmart employees.
Walmart will develop or revise as required individual accommodation plans, and return-to-work policies for associates who have been absent due to a disability. Individualized emergency response information will be provided to employees with disabilities which reasonably require the provision of such information for emergency preparedness.
Walmart will review performance management, career development and re-deployment processes and amend as required to ensure the accessibility needs of associates living with disabilities are taken into account in connection with these processes.
Walmart will take the opportunity to identify and take any necessary steps to prevent and remove other accessibility barriers impacting employment.
Design of Public Spaces
Walmart will work toward meeting the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces which can include accessible off-street parking, ramps, sidewalks, entrances and service-related elements like service counters, check-out lines, waiting areas and washrooms.
We want to hear about your experience. If you have questions or wish to provide feedback, our Customer Service Centre is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST (excluding holidays).
For more information:
- You can call our Customer Service Centre at 1-800-328-0402.
- You can send Customer Service an email about your experience.
- You can speak with an associate or store manager in-person at one of our stores.
If you require an alternative format, Customer Service will provide one to you upon request.
Customer Service Contact Information:
1940 Argentia Road
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1P9
Phone: 1-800-328-0402
Email: cacustrel@wal-mart.com
Animal Welfare
We recognize that farm animals play an important role in providing nutritious meat, dairy and eggs to our customers. Walmart Canada believes the animals in our supply chain should be treated humanely throughout their lives and will not tolerate animal abuse of any kind. We support the globally-recognized “Five Freedoms” of animal welfare as an aspiration for animal welfare in our supply chain.
Walmart Canada is committed to ensuring the farm animals in our supply chain are treated humanely throughout their lives and that the welfare of farm animals be considered in selection of all production systems, practices and technologies.
We will not tolerate animal abuse of any kind and we support the globally-recognized “Five Freedoms” of animal welfare as an aspiration for animal welfare in our supply chain. We are working with our suppliers and industry partners to ensure the humane treatment of animals consistent with the Five Freedoms.
Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare
- Freedom from Hunger and Thirst – by providing ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor.
- Freedom from Discomfort – by providing appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
- Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease – by ensuring prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
- Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour – by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
- Freedom from Fear and Distress – by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering.
In 2013 and 2016 respectively, Walmart committed to the pursuit of gestation crate free pork by 2022 and cage free eggs by 2025. Although progress has been made toward both of these goals it has become apparent that they will not be achieved in the original timelines. We remain committed to ongoing dialogue with the supply chain to make progress on these important initiatives. Additionally, we are working toward a reporting system that will provide periodic updates on our progress toward enhanced animal welfare.
Walmart Canada is proud to offer a full line of Greenfield products nationally. 100% of Greenfield products are sourced from Canadian farms whose animals are raised without antibiotics and in open pens. In addition, Walmart Canada continues to work with suppliers to source pork from farms using open pen housing for sows as soon as possible based on availability and costs.
Additionally, Walmart Canada continues to work with suppliers to source shelled eggs from cage free, free run and organic farmers. Check out our current assortment of cage free eggs which includes our own Walmart Brand of free run, organic eggs.
Charter on Plastics
Walmart Canada’s plastic waste reduction commitment
Reducing unnecessary plastic waste and increasing plastic recycling are key priorities for Walmart Canada. Walmart Canada’s Charter on Plastics is a milestone commitment to reduce plastic waste across our operations.
Walmart Canada is pursuing a three-pronged strategy:
1. Use less plastic: Find viable alternatives to plastic and seek to reduce or eliminate plastic packaging where possible.
2. Recycle more: Where packaging is required in our private label brands, work to ensure it is 100% recyclable and increase the recycled content of the packaging.
3. Support improvements to the plastic waste reduction system: Partner with innovators to develop environmentally preferable options to plastics and promote reuse and expand recycling capabilities across Canada.
Full commitment
To use less plastic, Walmart Canada is:
- Reducing check-out plastic bags by a further 50% by 2025, taking approximately 1 billion check-out bags out of circulation over that period
- Eliminating all PVC and polystyrene packaging in Walmart’s own private brands by 2025
- Eliminating unnecessary plastic packaging in Walmart’s own private brand products
- Eliminating single-use plastic straws and replacing them with paper alternatives by 2020, taking approximately 35 million single-use straws out of circulation annually
- Providing customers with more environmentally-friendly alternatives to single-use plastic household products, including utensils, plates and cups
- Eliminating all single-use plastics from cafeterias at Walmart Canada’s corporate offices and distribution centres by the end of 2019
To recycle more Walmart Canada is:
- Committing to 100% recyclable packaging in all Walmart’s own private brands by 2025
- Developing design guides for our suppliers to help them reduce unnecessary plastic packaging
- Encouraging greater recycling by committing to use no less than 20% recycled content in our plastic packaging by 2025
- Helping make it easier for customers to recycle plastic film and other packaging through initiatives like The Plastic Bag Grab Challenge, a program developed by Recycling Council of Ontario that encourages students to learn and take action on plastic waste by reducing their use, while collecting discarded plastic bags for recycling in their schools and beyond.
To support improvements to the plastic waste reduction system, Walmart Canada is:
- Becoming the first Canadian retailer to publicly commit to using How2Recycle labelling on all our own private brand products by 2025
- Partnering with governments, manufacturers and other stakeholders, to work towards reducing unnecessary plastic packaging and increasing plastic recycling
- Proud to be a founding partner of the Plastic Action Centre, a unique knowledge hub solely dedicated to plastic waste education and reduction across Canada and beyond
- A founding member of the Canadian Circular Economy Leadership Coalition which seeks to foster collaboration among industries, experts, communities and all levels of government
- A supporter of the G7 Ocean Plastics Charter, which seeks to move toward a more resource-efficient and sustainable approach to the management of plastics
A signatory to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, which commits to eliminating all problematic and unnecessary plastic items - Enacting the Closed Loop Fund to engage the industry in supporting recycling infrastructure (one of the major gaps in the circular economy) and supporting the major NGO/industry consortia studying the issue (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Ocean Conservancy, Trash Free Seas Alliance) Working with The Walmart Foundation, who will be providing support for Canadian initiatives aimed at reducing plastic waste
The problem of plastic waste
- While plastic waste is on the rise, it’s estimated that less than 11% of plastic waste is currently recycled in Canada, only slightly better than the 9% global average, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada
- The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment’s Strategy on Zero Plastics waste estimates that 95% of the material value of plastic packaging, or between $100 and $150 billion dollars annually, is lost to the global economy after only a single use
- According to the Recycling Council of Ontario, one billion single-use plastic bags are handed out in Canada every year – nearly two million single-use plastic bags are distributed worldwide every minute
- 57 million single-use plastic straws are thrown out every day
- 8.3 billion metric tonnes of plastic have been generated around the world since 1953; 6.3 billion tonnes have gone to waste
- Eight million tonnes of plastic enter the oceans every year
- More than five trillion pieces of plastic are already floating in our oceans
Sustainability at Walmart
Plastic waste is one of several sustainability priorities for Walmart globally. Walmart has committed to zero waste across operations in four key markets, including Canada by 2025. Last year Walmart Canada committed to zero food waste by 2025. Currently, 87% of waste at Walmart Canada is diverted from landfill.
This commitment builds on Walmart’s long history of supporting plastic waste reduction initiatives in Canada, including:
- Decreasing plastic bag use in Walmart Canada stores by 50% through plastic bag fees
- Committing to 100% recyclable packaging in all private brands by 2025
- Providing lead sponsorship of Recycling Council of Ontario’s national Plastic Bag Grab Challenge in elementary schools for past 3 years
Global Anti-Corruption Policy
Updated: June 29, 2012
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide (collectively "Walmart" or the "Company"), are committed to maintaining the highest possible ethical standards and complying with all applicable laws. In all of its operations, Walmart seeks to avoid even the appearance of impropriety with respect to the actions of any of its officers, directors, associates, employees, agents or representatives. This policy prohibits corrupt payments in all circumstances, whether in dealings with government officials or individuals in the private sector.
General Directives
It is the policy of Walmart to comply with all relevant Anti-Corruption laws including, but not limited to, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") and the UK Bribery Act.
Accordingly, Walmart prohibits anyone acting on behalf of the Company, directly or indirectly, from making or receiving improper payments.
Improper payments means receiving or paying bribes or giving, offering, or promising to give money or anything else of value to any person, including any Government Official, in order to improperly influence any act or decision of a person, or to otherwise gain an improper benefit for the Company.
A Government Official may include, but is not limited to, any officer or employee of a foreign government, a public international organization, a member of a political party, a candidate for foreign political office, any foreign government department or agency thereof, or any official or employee of a state-owned business enterprise.
The use of Walmart funds or assets for any illegal, improper, or unethical purpose is strictly prohibited.
Compliance with this Global Anti-Corruption Policy (the “Policy”) is required of all associates and third parties that are engaged to interact or may interact with government officials on the Company’s behalf. All associates are responsible for ensuring that third parties with whom they interact fully understand and follow the policy and associated procedures in their activities related to Walmart business.
Any associate or third party who violates this policy in connection with Walmart business will be subject to disciplinary measures, up to and including termination in the case of an associate, or termination of business relations in the case of a third party and, where appropriate, referral of the matter to relevant law enforcement authorities.
Global Implementation of Anti-Corruption Policy
To effectively implement this policy, Walmart shall maintain an effective risk-based Global Anti-Corruption Program (the "Program") designed to prevent, detect, and remediate bribery and recordkeeping violations. As part of the program, Walmart shall adopt operating procedures specifically targeted to the corruption risks that exist for all of its operations, worldwide. Management in each affected area shall be responsible for ensuring that adequate resources are devoted to maintaining effective compliance programs. A senior executive at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., shall be given overall responsibility for the Program, and shall report regularly to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., which shall exercise reasonable oversight as to the implementation and effectiveness of the Program.
The procedures and governance used to implement this policy, shall include, at a minimum:
- Effective controls on the disbursement of funds and other assets to ensure that disbursements are not made for improper purposes;
- Measures to ensure that books and records accurately reflect the disposition of assets;
- Clearly articulated standards of behavior as included in Walmart's Statement of Ethics, which shall be well publicized to all of Walmart's operations, worldwide;
- Clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and reporting lines for day-to-day management and implementation of the compliance procedures;
- Effective training of executives, associates and, where appropriate, third parties regarding relevant anti-corruption standards and procedures;
- Testing by Internal Audit or a third party for compliance with the anti-corruption procedures, including review of expenditures for operations that interact with government officials;
- Corruption risk assessments conducted annually;
- Conducting due diligence of third parties engaged to interact with government officials on behalf of the Company;
- Effectively publicized means to report or seek guidance on actual or potential anti-corruption issues, as well as procedures for responding to such reports or requests;
- Regular review and, if necessary, revisions or updates to this policy and to the related procedures where appropriate, including in response to legal, regulatory, or industry changes or violations of the Anti-Corruption Policy;
- Appropriate incentives and punishments for associates, executives and third parties for adherence to or violations of, respectively, the relevant policy and related procedures.
Every associate or third party who has information that this policy or related procedures may have been violated, or believes he or she is being asked to pay a bribe or receive a bribe, or otherwise act in contravention of this policy shall immediately report the event, as provided by Walmart's Statement of Ethics. Reports shall be made, and may be made anonymously to any officer (Vice President or above) of the Company, Global Ethics, the International Global Ethics Helpline, or the International Anti-Corruption Compliance Manager/Director. Reports may also be made to the Local Ethics Helpline, the legal department, the Compliance and Ethics Office or the Market Anti-Corruption Compliance Manager/Director. If anyone receives a report through the Open Door process he or she shall promptly forward the report to one of the contacts stated in this paragraph. Anyone who receives a report through any of the channels stated in this paragraph shall immediately report to the Global Ethics Helpline.
Contact information for making reports through the International or Local Helplines are below:
Walmart's International Global Ethics Helpline: 800-WM-ETHIC (800-963-8442)
Web: www.walmartethics.com or
Email: ethics@wal-mart.com
Specific country contact information can also be found on www.walmartethics.com
Anyone who reports a suspected violation of this policy will not be subject to disciplinary action or retaliation for the act of making the report. However, anyone who reports a suspected violation may be subject to disciplinary action to the extent he or she violated any Walmart policy or procedure.
Global Forced Labour Prevention Policy
Walmart respects the basic rights of workers and complies with all applicable laws and regulations in the locations where we operate. The use of any form of forced or trafficked labour anywhere in our own operations and supply chain is prohibited. Walmart will not intentionally use forced labour, including underage labour or involuntary prison labour, and we will take actions to exclude forced labour from our own operations and supply chain.
Our Walmart Standards for Suppliers sets our expectations for suppliers of product sold to or sourced by Walmart. Products should not be produced using forced labour, including underage labour or involuntary prison labour. We believe suppliers should cascade these expectations throughout their supply chains—including to raw material, component, or ingredient suppliers. We also expect our third-party service providers to prohibit the use of forced labour, including underage labour or involuntary prison labour, in their operations.
Target Audience
Preventing forced labour in our operations and working with suppliers to prevent forced labour is the responsibility of all associates. All associates are expected to comply with this Policy. In particular, any leader or People team member who is in a position to hire workers, especially third-party contract labour, must understand the relevant risks of forced labour. In addition, all merchant and sourcing associates are expected to understand the relevant risks of forced labour. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Walmart also expects our suppliers, vendors, service providers, and other third parties to uphold our Forced Labour Prevention principles and compliance requirements. Specific requirements for third parties are included in the Walmart Standards for Suppliers and/or in our contracts and agreements.
Forced Labour Prevention Principles
For purposes of this Policy, we uphold the following principles:
- Recruit responsibly. Workers should not pay recruitment or similar fees to obtain employment, even if the fees are allowed under local law. Workers should be appropriately authorized to work, including meeting local legal age requirements and relevant legal requirements for migrant workers.
- Communicate and follow the terms and conditions of employment. Terms and conditions of employment should be communicated to workers in a language they understand, and changes should be communicated transparently. Wages should be paid regularly and in alignment with local law. Wages should not be withheld or subject to illegal or excessive deductions. Workers should not be subject to excessive working hours, as defined by local laws and ordinances.
- Allow workers to have freedom of movement. Workers should have the ability to move freely and should not be restricted by their employer through abuse, physical force, or threats of violence or reprisals. Workers should retain control over their personal identification documents and other valuable possessions. Workers should be free to terminate employment upon reasonable notice.
What to Do
All Associates:
- Know and understand the Global Labour and Employment Policy and the Global Responsible Sourcing Compliance Policy.
- Escalate concerns of forced labour by contacting a member of management or the Global Ethics Helpline via phone: + 1 (800) 963-8442 (local contact numbers can be found on www.walmartethics.com), web: www.walmartethics.com or email: ethics@walmart.com. We prohibit taking negative action against any individual for reporting in good faith conduct that violates this Policy or cooperating in an investigation.
All Managers or People team members in a position to hire associates and contract third-party labour:
- Follow company procedures and policies relating to hiring, retaining, and promoting talent, as well as all relevant procedures for identifying and managing third party contract labour, and onboarding and managing relationships with suppliers.
- Do not knowingly:
- Hire associates who have been recruited under forced labour conditions or
- Allow contract labourers who are working under forced labour conditions to work at Walmart sites or on Walmart projects.
All merchant and sourcing associates:
- Do not knowingly buy or source from suppliers that are producing products for Walmart using forced labour, including underage labour or involuntary prison labour, in their operations or their supply chain.
- Communicate expectations and hold suppliers accountable to the Walmart Standards for Suppliers and our Forced Labour Prevention requirements.
Health Products Stewardship Association
As part of our commitment to responsible medication and medical sharps disposal, we are proud to support Medications Return Programs and the Sharps Collection Programs managed by Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA). These programs provide a safe and convenient way for consumers to dispose of unused or expired household medications and used medical sharps in an environmentally responsible manner.
To learn more about properly storing and handling pharmaceuticals and medical sharps or finding a collection location near you, we encourage you to visit the HPSA website at www.healthsteward.ca.

Human Rights Statement
Our Business and Values
Walmart’s purpose is to save people money and help them live better. We achieve our purpose through our associates and recognize that our associates make the difference. Through our business, we provide customers with convenient access to safe, affordable products and services; contribute to the community; create career opportunities; and provide opportunities for suppliers to grow their businesses that, in turn, employ others.
Walmart respects human rights; our work is guided by our values:
- Service to the customer
- Respect for the individual
- Strive for excellence
- Act with integrity
We engage in diverse business activities across the globe, with more than two million full-time and part-time associates from a variety of ethnicities, orientations, backgrounds and life experiences. Our associates also are members of thousands of local communities around the world. We endeavor to act in an ethical and responsible manner and have policies and procedures in place to guide our decisions and behaviors.
Our associate base is large, our supply chain reaches thousands of suppliers and we serve millions of customers in communities around the world through our store presence as well as online. We are mindful that many adverse human rights risks are complex and can be the result of systemic issues, making it challenging for any single organization to have an impact. When it comes to addressing these human rights issues, we seek to go beyond our own policies and procedures by working collaboratively with other stakeholders to inform our approach and identify root causes; sharing our work with others; and using our leverage to help drive positive change.
We identify our salient human rights priorities based on relevance to our company purpose, key categories and markets; the scale and severity of the potential human rights risk; and Walmart’s ability to make a difference. Our response to human rights issues is informed by international instruments including, but not limited to, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We have also taken into consideration input from relevant internal and external stakeholders and experts.
This statement describes Walmart’s approach to human rights in all aspects of our operations globally, including all associates at all levels of the organization.
A Foundation of Compliance
Governments have the responsibility to protect and uphold human rights of their citizens. Walmart respects those human rights and complies with the laws of the countries in which we operate. We expect our associates, suppliers, contractors and others within our sphere of influence to act accordingly.
We respect the basic rights of workers as those rights are defined under applicable law in the countries in which we operate and from which we source the products we sell. Those basic rights include freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of underage labor and the elimination of discrimination in respect to employment and occupation.
Our Values in Action
Service to the Customer
Our customers are the reason we’re in business. We strive to meet and exceed their expectations by providing safer, more affordable, more accessible, healthier and more sustainable goods and services.
Respect for the Individual
We believe in treating all people with respect, whether it is a co-worker, supplier, customer or any person doing business with us. This means treating one another with fairness and dignity in all our interactions in the workplace and as members of society. We also seek and embrace differences in people, ideas and experiences.
We recognize there are different views about freedom of association. Our view is, consistent with applicable law, that Walmart respects the rights of associates to join, form or not to join an employee association or trade union of their choice without interference. Associates should exercise these rights in an informed manner, and with the benefit of thoughtful consideration and available information. In the exercise of these rights, we believe in the free exchange of ideas, opinions and information, provided there is no interference.
Strive for Excellence
Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, wanted his company to be a force for good, and we seek to use our scale, capabilities and influence to help people and communities. This spirit is an important component for how we engage on human rights topics to drive meaningful change. We find this approach not only mitigates risk—it can generate significant, lasting value for our business and for society.
Act with Integrity
Acting with integrity guides how we approach our work on human rights. To implement this work, we:
- Assess, on an ongoing basis, potential adverse human rights impacts, the severity of the potential impact, and the relevant processes in place;
- Integrate relevant findings into policies and procedures, based upon the assessment;
- Track progress as part of Walmart’s efforts to continuously improve;
- Communicate with relevant internal and external stakeholders to help shape and inform our work and priorities; and
- Adjust our human rights priorities, as needed.
While there exist a variety of mechanisms—including those offered by governments—to raise and seek redress of actual or perceived human rights concerns, Walmart also has developed its own grievance mechanisms to enable workers, customers, workers in the supply chain, communities where we operate and other stakeholders to be heard and be given proper consideration. These mechanisms include, but are not limited to, our anonymous ethics hotlines and longstanding Open Door Communications Policy for associates, and the internal structures that support resolution of each issue raised. We encourage stakeholders to raise concerns and to report activities they suspect may contravene the values and positions we express in this statement or any Walmart policy. We will not retaliate against any party for raising concerns in good faith.
We seek to be transparent about our human rights efforts and will periodically provide additional details, inclusive of our priorities, through our Global Responsibility Report or similar means. The work is overseen by company executives and led by a cross-functional team, relying upon and developing standards, programs and practices, training and reporting.
Our Code of Conduct articulates how we promote our culture of integrity across the company and is the foundation of our approach to human rights. Our Standards for Suppliers forms the basis of our work to address social issues in the supply chain of goods for resale. Our Culture, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion website lays out how we build an inclusive workplace culture where every associate feels empowered to bring their authentic self to work every day.
The Walmart Board of Directors approved this statement on November 2, 2018. The Board reviews our progress on human rights, at minimum, annually.
Position on Sustainable Seafood
Section I: Sustainable Products at Walmart | Our Pledge to Customers/Members
Our customers and members count on Walmart and Sam’s Club to deliver affordable products in a way that is sustainable for people and for the planet. To meet those needs, we work with partners all along the supply chain to improve the sustainability of products we sell. We do this while working to offer quality products, everyday low prices and putting customers in charge of their food choices by helping provide clear, accurate information about food ingredients and production.
Section II: Sustainable Seafood
Over the past half century, demand for seafood has increased five-fold. An estimated 75 percent of the world’s fisheries are at or beyond sustainable limits. Meanwhile, an estimated 1 billion people rely on fish as their primary source of protein, while another 200 million rely on the industry as their main source of income.
Section III: Walmart’s Position
Walmart aspires to help make choices easier and more transparent for people. We serve hundreds of millions of customers every year, and we advocate for them among suppliers to provide more sustainably produced products while maintaining the low prices customers expect. As part of our efforts to provide our customers affordable, safe, and healthier food, Walmart is committed to expand and enhance sustainable sourcing to cover 20 key commodities.
At Walmart, we value our relationships with the seafood suppliers who are dedicated to providing the highest in quality and safety through practices that promote sustainable fisheries and social responsibility. We know that seafood is an important source of protein, nutrition, and income for people all over the world. Therefore, we aspire to find our customers safe, affordable, and sustainable seafood that does not negatively affect global communities or the environment. Our goal is to build transparency and continuous improvement in the seafood supply chain so that we can build confidence and provide for our customers now and in the future.
Walmart believes the health of species, fisheries and ecosystems around the world is good for the planet and important to people today and in the future. We are working with our suppliers and partners to track the management of fisheries from which our suppliers source so that we can promote a sustainable supply.
In addition, we care about the men and women in our supply chain and in the seafood industry as a whole, and we are concerned about the ethical recruitment and treatment of workers. While this is a complex issue, we are actively engaged in bringing together numerous stakeholders, NGOs and other private sector companies to help find solutions.
Section IV: What we’re asking of our suppliers
Section IV.1: Fresh and Frozen Seafood
By 2025, based on price, availability, quality, customer demand, and unique regulatory environments across our global retail markets, Walmart U.S., Sam’s Club, Walmart Canada, Walmart Brazil, Walmart Mexico, and Walmart Central America will require all fresh and frozen, farmed and wild seafood suppliers to source from fisheries who are:
- Third-party certified as sustainable using Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), or certified by a program which follows the FAO Guidelines1 and is recognized by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) as such. For our farmed supply, we expect suppliers to ensure sustainable production and sourcing throughout the supply chain, including final processing plant, farms, hatcheries and feed mills.
- Actively working toward certification or in a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) or Aquaculture Improvement Project (AIP) that has definitive and ambitious goals, measurable metrics, and time bound milestones.
Canned Tuna
By 2025, based on price, availability, quality, customer demand, and unique regulatory environments across our global retail markets, Walmart U.S., Sam’s Club, and Walmart Canada will require all canned light and white tuna suppliers to source from fisheries who are:
- Complying with the International Sustainable Seafood Foundation (ISSF) sustainability conservation measures, including those adopted in collaboration with relevant tuna Regional Fishery Management Organizations (RFMO) and from vessels that are registered on the Pro-active Vessel Register (PVR).
- Third-party certified as sustainable using Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), or certified by a program which follows the FAO Guidelines1 and is recognized by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) as such. Walmart will also source from suppliers using better management fishing practices as validated through chain of custody (e.g. pole and line, free-school sets).
- Actively working toward certification or in a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) that has definitive and ambitious goals, measurable metrics, and time bound milestones.
When it comes to the issue of method of catch, Walmart will offer customer choice in select markets, based on local customer preference and market retail norms.
- Walmart U.S. and Sam’s Club offer customer choice by carrying FAD-free lines of canned tuna.
- Walmart Canada will add Marine Stewardship Council-certified or FAD-free tuna to its private brand assortment by the end of 2021.
Section IV.2: Tuna – Fresh/Frozen and Shelf Stable
By 2027, based on price, availability, quality, customer demand and unique regulatory environments across our global retail markets Walmart U.S., Sam’s Club U.S. and Walmart Canada will require all fresh, frozen and shelf stable tuna suppliers to source exclusively from vessels that have 100% observer monitoring1 (electronic monitoring or human observer). Acceptable forms of observer coverage include practices recognized or required by a governmental authority with jurisdiction over a fishery, or by the International Sustainable Seafood Foundation where no governmental standards apply. The requirement for observer monitoring does not apply to tuna fished by pole and line or hand line gear types.
Transshipment involves the transfer of fish or fish products from one fishing vessel to another vessel at sea or in port. At-sea transshipment can prevent the collection of accurate data about seafood products, and provide opportunities to hide illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing activities2. Transshipment in any maritime zone incurs risks, but the risk of undesirable activity is typically greatest on the high seas. While in-port transshipment reduces the risk of certain actors engaging in or concealing undesirable activities, risk can be further mitigated by offloading tuna vessels in port with 100% observer monitoring. In addition to mitigating risk, monitored dockside offloading may provide a range of socio-economic benefits including local employment and reduced costs of goods.
To address the risk of high seas transshipment in our supply chain, by 2027, based on price, availability, quality, customer demand and unique regulatory environments, Walmart U.S., Sam’s Club U.S. and Walmart Canada will require all fresh, frozen and shelf-stable tuna suppliers to source from fisheries using zero high seas transshipment, unless the transshipment activity is covered by 100% observer monitoring (electronic monitoring or human observer). All suppliers are encouraged to report on transshipment rates at sea or in port and minimize the practice of high seas transshipment to the fullest extent possible.
1 Walmart defines observer monitoring as the practice of collecting scientific, technical and relevant compliance information on commercial fishing activities at sea, such as data on catch, fishing effort and bycatch. Observer monitoring may be carried out by human observers or electronic monitoring systems that continuously record data during fishing trips using technology such as data sensors, video cameras, and GPS.
2 Source: https://www.iss-foundation.org/glossary/transshipment/
Section V: Responsible Sourcing
Walmart’s commitment includes respecting the dignity of those who grow, catch and produce products for our customers. That is why Walmart suppliers globally—including seafood suppliers—are expected to comply with Walmart’s Standards for Suppliers and applicable Responsible Sourcing program requirements. Walmart’s Standards for Suppliers set out our expectations of suppliers and their facilities regarding the ethical treatment of workers, workplace safety, environmental responsibility, and appropriate business practices. The Standards apply throughout the supply chain, including vessels, hatcheries, feed mills, farms, and final processing facilities. Walmart expects its suppliers to be transparent, to disclose facilities consistent with policy and make all facilities available for audit or inspection at any time, and to commit to continuous improvement. Suppliers are also encouraged to involve themselves in Walmart-led or -supported industry initiatives focused on improving responsible sourcing in seafood supply chains. More about Walmart’s Responsible Sourcing program requirements and collaborative initiatives can be found at corporate.walmart.com/sourcing.
FAO Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries. Revision (2009)
FAO Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Capture Fisheries (2011)
FAO Technical guidelines on aquaculture Certification (2011)
Sustainable Chemistry in Consumables
Our customers want products that are affordable, safer and better for the environment. We are committed to supporting the advancement of sustainable chemistry practices to help minimize the negative environmental and health impacts certain chemical products and processes may cause. This commitment covers the following departments: Health & Beauty Aids (D2), Household Paper (D4), Pets + Supplies (D8), Household Chemicals (D13) and Cosmetics (D46).
Sustainable chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of substances hazardous to humans, animals, plants and the environment (IUPAC definition).
Walmart Canada’s commitment to sustainable chemistry is as follows:
- Walmart Canada will continually work with suppliers on sustainability improvements through the Sustainability Index (category sustainability profiles, etc) to address chemical disclosure, risk assessment and hazard avoidance.
- Walmart Canada encourages all suppliers to publicly disclose, on their product and/or company web-sites, all ingredients for their consumable-product SKUs sold at our stores.
The Walmart US business has developed an initial list of high-priority chemicals for continuous reduction, restriction and elimination, using informed substitution principles. This list will be reviewed regularly by Walmart US to determine if additional chemicals should be prioritized. Walmart Canada supports Walmart US’ monitoring of the progress on reducing, restricting and eliminating these high-priority chemicals and their timelines to publicly report on such progress.
We anticipate any product innovations developed by US suppliers (which are also operating in Canada) to equally apply in the Canadian marketplace so that our Canadian consumers will also benefit from the above-described US efforts.
Our Canadian commitment supports Walmart US’s sustainable chemistry initiatives; it also supports related timelines stated in their Sustainable Chemistry Policy.
Walmart Canada will review this document as needed to ensure its relevancy.
Released: June 2014
Walmart BC Pay Transparency Report
Walmart Fleet ULC: 2024 Accessibility Progress Report
Alternate formats
1. 2024 Accessibility Progress Report (PDF)
2. 2024 Accessibility Progress Report (Large print PDF)
1. General
1.1. About Walmart Fleet ULC
Walmart Fleet ULC (“Walmart Fleet”), headquartered in Ontario, is a wholly owned and federally regulated subsidiary of Wal-Mart Canada Corp. (“Walmart Canada”) and is a licensed common carrier. Walmart Fleet maintains a fleet of approximately 450 tractors and 4,500 trailers. Walmart Fleet drivers cumulatively traverse approximately 70 million kilometres every year. Their primary task is the timely delivery of products to a network of more than 400 Walmart Canada stores across the country.
Walmart Fleet has been recognized four years in a row for the Top Fleet Employers program. This is a program of Trucking HR Canada, which honors trucking companies that meet and exceed HR standards of excellence. This national program recognizes the importance of having and implementing sound HR policies and practices in the trucking industry. Walmart Fleet was rated on its recruitment and retention practices, workplace culture, compensation, training and skills development, and innovative HR practices.
1.2. Our commitment to accessibility
Walmart Fleet drafted its first Accessibility Plan in 2023.
In 2023 to 2024, Walmart Fleet conducted research and consultations on accessibility, focusing on workplace accommodations and adjustments with Associates, including Associates with disabilities, and identified successes and opportunities for the different areas under the Accessible Canada Act.
In 2023, Walmart Fleet started implementing its Accessibility Plan. The purpose of this report is to document implementation progress.
1.3. Our progress to date
Walmart Fleet is committed to accountability in the implementation of its Accessibility Plan. Consultation and survey results are key in measuring our progress, successes and opportunities ahead.
To measure progress, Walmart Fleet relies on both objective and subjective metrics gathered through consultations across different Walmart Fleet teams. These metrics are tied to the actions and supporting actions outlined in the 2023-2026 Accessibility Plan.
This report presents the progress made in each of the areas of focus under the Accessible Canada Act:
- Employment
- The Built Environment
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Communication (other than Information and Communication Technologies)
- The Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities
- The Design and Delivery of Programs and Services, and
- Transportation
Following the details on progress under each area of focus, the report contains information about the consultations performed and feedback received in 2024.
1.4. Alternate formats/Feedback Contacts
Associates, as well as the public, may provide feedback or request a copy of our 2023 – 2026 Accessibility Plan, 2024 Accessibility Progress Report, and/or Accessibility Feedback Process in an alternate format, by contacting us:
By mail:
Program Manager – Accessibility
C/O Compliance Department
Walmart Canada
1940 Argentia Road
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1P9
Accessible Format: Accessible formats of this Progress Report are available upon request. If you require an accessible format of this Plan, please use any of the contact methods (i.e., email, mail or phone) outlined in the “Feedback” section above.
1.5. Definitions
- “Accessibility” is the practice of ensuring that digital, physical and user experiences are designed for everyone, especially those with disabilities. Also referred to as Universal Design.
- A “disability” is any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment — or a functional limitation — whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.
- A “barrier” is anything — including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice — that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.
2. Progress under the Accessible Canada Act’s 7 Priority Areas
Diversity of thought and of associates are essential to achieving our mission at Walmart Fleet, with 0.6% of our workforce identifying as living with at least one disability. We are committed to sustaining an inclusive workforce and fostering an accessible workplace where every associate can reach their full potential.
We are taking 7 key actions to improve accessibility by June 2026. These actions are based on the feedback we received during our consultations and these actions will address barriers to accessibility that were identified by Walmart Fleet associates under the Accessible Canada Act’s 7 priority areas. The status of each priority area, as well as a description of our progress to date, is provided below.
2.1 Employment
There is an opportunity to increase associate awareness on accessibility and processes by which to get a workplace accommodation and / or adjustment.
Proposed Action (s)
1. All new and existing Walmart Fleet associates receive mandatory training on accessibility, disability awareness and accommodations. Ongoing.
2. People Leaders continue to provide accommodations and adjustments throughout the application, hiring process and Associate lifecycle. Ongoing.
3. Walmart Fleet Accommodations Policy will be launched in 2024.
4. Continue to discuss accessibility in the workplace with Walmart Fleet Associates on a regular basis, and to listen to their feedback as a method of assessing and course correcting, where applicable.
We created and delivered three (3) new training modules through our Learning Management System:
- Associate Accessibility Training outlines laws regarding accessibility, definitions of accessibility and barriers, how they may manifest in the workplace, our commitment to the prevention of new barriers. To raise awareness further, various scenarios test the associate’s knowledge through multiple choice answers.
- Associate Accommodation Training provides associates and People Leaders with the tools to effectively request accommodations and manage those requests respectively.
- We delivered an enterprise-wide mandatory Violence & Harassment Prevention Policy & Program training, which identifies disability as a protected ground from discrimination and harassment.
We are systematically providing accommodations throughout the application, hiring processes and associate lifecycle. Associates feel comfortable requesting accommodations, whether they are formal, informal and / or relating to a disability, which speaks to the accessibility of our accommodations process.
We deliver training to all management and supervisory teams involved in processing accessibility and accommodations requests and achieving our commitments to accessibility at Walmart Fleet.
2.2 The Built Environment
There is an opportunity to assess offices where Walmart Fleet operates for accessibility.
Proposed Action (s)
Walmart Canada conducted an accessibility assessment of its built environment in 2024. The results from the office space assessments apply to the office designs where Walmart Fleet operates.
The Walmart Canada team tasked with office designs, along with the Accessibility Manager, are reviewing accessibility best practices to embed in offices pace prototype designs.
2.3 Information and Communication Technologies (“ICT “)
There is an opportunity to provide alternate format of ICT, such as learning, policies and process documents.
Proposed Action (s)
To have alternate formats available, such as hard copies of online training and process documents; simplify language; include images and ‘how to’ instructions, as well as provide material in hard and soft copy.
Policies and process documents are posted on information boards, providing Associates with direct access to the documents when they are at a work location. Ongoing.
People Leaders bring hard copies of online material to review and discuss with Associates. Ongoing.
People Leaders work directly with Associates to explain and walk them through accessibility and accommodations policies, processes and forms. Ongoing.
There is an opportunity to improve truck software system to elevate accessibility of communications with dispatchers and GPS.
Proposed Action (s)
Explore potential improvement and / or upgrading in-truck software system for easier, more accessible communication channels with dispatchers.
Explore potential improvement to the GPS system for roadside updates.
To discuss with leadership and vendor for more seamless communication with dispatchers and road / travel information.
2.4. Communication, other than Information and Communication Technologies
There is an opportunity to expand how we disseminate information accessibly and inclusively.
Proposed Action (s)
To provide required documentation in hard copy and with large print text, and for People Leaders to have copies on hand for easy reference.
People Leaders have hard copies of relevant policies and processes on hand to discuss with Associates and answer any questions. Ongoing.
People Leaders make time to communicate HR update, policy and process related information with WM Fleet Associates, and provide alternate formats, if different from what is already available (e.g., printed documents).
2.5 The Procurement of Goods and Services and Facilities
There is an opportunity to provide feedback to truck leasing companies:
- Ergonomic and de-pressurised seating aligned with truck design
- Truck and trailer back door.
- Easier way to enter and exit truck.
Proposed Action (s)
To provide feedback to truck leasing company:
- Service requests for ergonomic seating, and other non-vendor related accommodation requests, in a timely manner. Ongoing.
- 4barn-door to roll-up door on the back of trucks and trailers to make it more accessible, and easier to back in and out of parked store spaces.
The comfort and safety of drivers is of outmost importance to Walmart Fleet, and we continue to improve with respect to ergonomics, safety and accessibility by working on solutions internally where we can, and with our vendors as required.
2.6 Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
There is an opportunity to streamline some of our internal processes to make them more accessible and inclusive.
Proposed Action (s)
Design and communicate new policies and business processes in an accessible manner by considering all Associates, including those who have disabilities.
Creating and implementing a Walmart Fleet Accommodations Policy and ensuring it is communicated in an accessible manner, such as offering the policy in alternate formats; posting it on the board; sending it to Associates, digitally and in hard copy; meeting with Associates to explain it to them, etc. Ongoing.
2.7 Transport
There is an opportunity to alleviate discomfort for long distance drivers.
Proposed Action (s)
Drivers to include accessibility and accommodations-based themes when providing the report on three issues at the end of their shift. Ongoing.
Work with the driver to identify solutions and apply the most effective solution in a speedy manner. Ongoing.
3. Feedback Process Description
There is opportunity to improve timing of required training and surveys to align with Fleet business.
Proposed Action (s)
To provide People Leaders and dispatchers with training and survey timelines in advance of due date so they may better plan and manage drivers’ schedules.
Share this feedback with the HR, Ethics & Compliance and Learning Teams to provide training and survey schedules ahead of time. Ongoing.
Gathering feedback from dispatchers and drivers is key, especially through grassroots meetings and end of shift reports, to ensure an inclusive and safe workplace at Walmart Fleet.
In fact, we gleaned through our consultations that Walmart Fleet is regarded as caring more about safety for all its Associates compared to other companies. Many drivers and Associates tend to return to Walmart Fleet because other companies are not as safe and inclusive. Focus on safety is of great important at Walmart Fleet, and it is appreciated and felt by all associates.
As we continue to receive feedback, we will continue to respond and take action to address it. The feedback we receive is essential to continuous improvement, and our quest to becoming a barrier-free employer.
Walmart Fleet recognizes the significance of the Accessibility Canada Act’s “Nothing Without Us” principle and its beneficial effect in ensuring that accessibility barriers are effectively identified, addressed, and prevented.
In 2023, we continued engaging with Walmart Fleet associates with disabilities to seek their perspectives on the accessibility of our policies, processes and ways of working.
The Walmart Fleet Accessibility Progress Report includes information derived from various consultations undertaken in 2023-2024 with associates with disabilities, including insights gathered about accessibility from other consultations such as our annual engagement survey, grassroots discussions, end-of-day reports, four (4) focus groups and 34 Accessibility Feedback surveys conducted during Walmart Fleet’s 2024 Annual General Meetings.
Walmart Fleet has established a process for collecting feedback from associates and members of the public. The Accessibility Program Manager is responsible for gathering and tracking feedback and ensures it is responded to in a timely fashion, and in collaboration with People Leaders, as required.
To date, Walmart Fleet gathered feedback through grassroots conversations, one-on-one conversations with direct reports, surveys and consultations.
Feedback retrieved during these different methods of information gathering were included in this progress report. Walmart Fleet has not received any feedback about its 2023-2026 Accessibility Plan or accessibility issues more generally at Walmart Fleet from the general public
Walmart Fleet ULC: Accessibility Plan 2023-2026
We are pleased to share Walmart Fleet ULC’s (“Walmart Fleet”) first Accessibility Plan (the “Plan”). This Plan brings together our efforts to realize the vision set out by the Accessible Canada Act (the “ACA”), which aims to create a barrier-free Canada on or before January 1, 2040.
Over the next three (3) years, we will take steps towards becoming barrier-free, particularly by the identification and removal of barriers, and the prevention of new barriers. We are adopting an accessible-by-design approach to help shape the necessary changes to our programs and services. In the meantime, we invite you to share your thoughts with us on the Plan and its implementation, and we welcome any other feedback with regard to the accessibility of our programs and services.
Your feedback is important to us. Our designate for feedback on accessibility is the Program Manager – Accessibility. If you encounter barriers accessing this Plan, its content or have suggestions or questions, please contact us using one of the methods below:
By email: CAcompliance@walmart.com
By mail:
Program Manager – Accessibility
C/O Compliance Department
Walmart Canada
1940 Argentia Road
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1P9
By phone: Customer Service Centre Toll-free: 1-800-328-0402
Accessible Format
Accessible formats of this Plan are available upon request. If you require an accessible format of this Plan, please use any of the contact methods (i.e., email, mail or phone) outlined in the “Feedback” section above.
Executive Summary
Walmart Fleet is a wholly-owned federally regulated subsidiary of Wal-Mart Canada Corp. (“Walmart Canada”) and is a licensed common carrier. Walmart Fleet comprises approximately of 430 tractors, 4,500 trailers and 900 drivers who travel over 58 million kilometres annually to primarily deliver products to Walmart Canada’s more than 400 stores across the country.
This Plan sets out Walmart Fleet’s approach to identifying, removing, and preventing accessibility barriers over the next three (3) years. It also outlines Walmart Fleet’s accountability and governance approach to delivering upon the identification, removal and prevention of accessibility barriers. Further, the Plan conveys the need for an organizational culture that supports accessibility and inclusion.
A “barrier” is anything — including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice — that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.
A “disability” is any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment — or a functional limitation — whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.
Federally regulated entities are required to produce an accessibility plan to address any barriers or limitations identified in the following priority areas:
- employment;
- the built environment;
- information and communication technologies;
- communication, other than information and communication technologies;
- the procurement of goods, services and facilities;
- the design and delivery of programs and services; and
- transportation.
This Plan outlines actions that will help us take steps toward becoming more accessible. Walmart Fleet is committed to the identified four (4) areas of focus for its Plan:
- Building awareness, understanding and respect, and reducing stigma with regards to accessibility and persons with disabilities.
- Expanding options and flexibility for tailored approaches to increase and improve access to our programs and services.
- Ensuring our written products are accessible, use inclusive language and are available in different formats.
- Capturing and actioning feedback to continually learn and improve in the above noted and other areas.
Accessibility Statement
By implementing this Plan, Walmart Fleet is affirming its commitment to work toward removing barriers and limitations for individuals, including associates and partners with disabilities, customers and members of the public who interact with Walmart Fleet and its associates. We aim to apply an accessibility and disability-inclusion lens to our processes, initiatives, and ways of working. This will ensure that we include all relevant views in the early stages of projects.
This Plan ensures that we continue to identify and / or remove the barriers that people with disabilities, including associates, may experience so they can reach their full potential in our workplace.
Walmart Fleet strives to be an organization that celebrates diversity, demonstrates equity and drives inclusion. Our commitment is to be a great place to work, where we are committed to providing an inclusive and accessible workplace.
Employment Key Deliverables
Conduct an Employment Systems Review to outline systemic barriers during an associate’s lifecycle in relation to accessibility.
Additionally, Walmart Fleet has developed an Employment Equity Plan that includes a focus on increasing the representation of associates with disabilities through various initiatives.
Accessible Talent Acquisition and Onboarding
We are committed to recruiting associates with disabilities. We will work towards meeting this goal by:
- working towards understanding the barriers and challenges that exist within recruiting and retaining individuals with disabilities.
- reviewing job descriptions and recruiting methods to ensure they are accessible.
- partnering with external recruitment agencies to target potential associates / new hires with disabilities.
Career and Development
We are committed to developing and advancing associates with disabilities. We will work towards meeting this goal by:
- providing training for people leaders on working with people with disabilities effectively and inclusively.
- ensuring equitable opportunities for associates with disabilities are available.
- promoting mentorship for associates with disabilities.
We are committed to reviewing and creating a more accessible process for our associates to seek accommodation, and engage in the accommodation process by:
- enhancing tracking of accommodation requests to improve data integrity and accuracy.
- creating clear guidelines and resources for people leaders that clarify their roles and responsibilities with respect to accessibility, accommodations, and disability-inclusion, and where and how they can get expert advice through our accommodation team, human resources and / or benefits provider on how best to support associates with disabilities.
The Built Environment
Walmart Fleet Facilities and Yards
Walmart Fleet has work locations across Canada which are located in buildings and yards that are operated/owned/leased by other business entities.
Where possible and applicable, we will continue to reduce and / or remove barriers in built environments by:
- applying accessible procurement principles, rules, and practices where possible and in partnership with Assets Teams.
- reviewing the built environment and, if necessary, providing recommendations on accessibility to business partners where Walmart Fleet operates.
- providing accommodation to associates with disabilities irrespective of work location.
Information and Communication Technologies (“ICT”)
As the dissemination of information and communication is exceedingly digitized at a fast pace, we are working to embed accessibility throughout the different phases of various projects and company initiatives. This will help our ICT products, services and digital content be accessible by all.
To help work towards access to our ICT, we will work to:
- develop and disseminate Accessibility and Accommodation training for Fleet associates.
- continue to consult associates with disabilities about the barriers they may experience when accessing ICT.
- create an environment where Fleet associates can share their accessibility tips, tools and resources to share information more widely and reduce stigma.
Communication, other than Information and Communication Technologies
We commit to providing the below alternate formats of this Plan per request and within the time frames outlined in the Accessible Canada Regulations. Our workplace and customer service policies are likewise available on request in these formats.
- large print
- Braille
- audio format
- an electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology that assists persons with disabilities.
The Procurement of Goods, Services, And Facilities
Procurement forms an important part of achieving our accessibility goals.
Walmart Fleet will work to consider accessibility requirements at the initiation of the procurement process to ensure our goods and services are accessible.
To make sure that we practice accessible procurement, we will work to create awareness for associates involved in the procurement process and educate others about accessibility standards.
The Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
Walmart Fleet is committed to the review and development of programs and initiatives that ensure accessibility and disability-inclusion.
To do this, we will:
- consult with associates with disabilities when developing or reviewing programs or initiatives.
- disseminate information about existing accessibility standards through training sessions and communications.
Walmart Fleet is committed to reviewing the accessibility of its trucks, which are comprised of tractors and trailers.
We are always working to increase the accessibility of our vehicles and provide any required accommodations up to the point of undue hardship for our associates.
The new trucks we are currently leasing provide cooling, heating and massaging chairs, however we will consistently work with our associates with disabilities who may require further accommodation.
We used various methods to consult with persons with disabilities as we developed this Plan, including:
- running and analyzing the results of the Fleet Accessibility Survey; and
- speaking with other departments and Business Units to discuss and learn from their best practices.
- the Fleet Accessibility Survey was the first targeted survey disseminated to all Fleet associates to gather data on their experiences of accessibility, disability-inclusion and accommodations.
- insights from the Survey has helped inform this Plan, as well as our strategy with respect to advancing accessibility, disability-inclusion and accommodations.
Feedback and insights from our Accessibility Survey consultation results helped us develop the action items listed in this Plan.
Walmart Fleet ULC: 2024 Accessibility Progress Report
Alternate formats
1. 2024 Accessibility Progress Report (PDF)
2. 2024 Accessibility Progress Report (Large print PDF)
1. General
1.1. About Walmart Fleet ULC
Walmart Fleet ULC (“Walmart Fleet”), headquartered in Ontario, is a wholly owned and federally regulated subsidiary of Wal-Mart Canada Corp. (“Walmart Canada”) and is a licensed common carrier. Walmart Fleet maintains a fleet of approximately 450 tractors and 4,500 trailers. Walmart Fleet drivers cumulatively traverse approximately 70 million kilometres every year. Their primary task is the timely delivery of products to a network of more than 400 Walmart Canada stores across the country.
Walmart Fleet has been recognized four years in a row for the Top Fleet Employers program. This is a program of Trucking HR Canada, which honors trucking companies that meet and exceed HR standards of excellence. This national program recognizes the importance of having and implementing sound HR policies and practices in the trucking industry. Walmart Fleet was rated on its recruitment and retention practices, workplace culture, compensation, training and skills development, and innovative HR practices.
1.2. Our commitment to accessibility
Walmart Fleet drafted its first Accessibility Plan in 2023.
In 2023 to 2024, Walmart Fleet conducted research and consultations on accessibility, focusing on workplace accommodations and adjustments with Associates, including Associates with disabilities, and identified successes and opportunities for the different areas under the Accessible Canada Act.
In 2023, Walmart Fleet started implementing its Accessibility Plan. The purpose of this report is to document implementation progress.
1.3. Our progress to date
Walmart Fleet is committed to accountability in the implementation of its Accessibility Plan. Consultation and survey results are key in measuring our progress, successes and opportunities ahead.
To measure progress, Walmart Fleet relies on both objective and subjective metrics gathered through consultations across different Walmart Fleet teams. These metrics are tied to the actions and supporting actions outlined in the 2023-2026 Accessibility Plan.
This report presents the progress made in each of the areas of focus under the Accessible Canada Act:
- Employment
- The Built Environment
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Communication (other than Information and Communication Technologies)
- The Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities
- The Design and Delivery of Programs and Services, and
- Transportation
Following the details on progress under each area of focus, the report contains information about the consultations performed and feedback received in 2024.
1.4. Alternate formats/Feedback Contacts
Associates, as well as the public, may provide feedback or request a copy of our 2023 – 2026 Accessibility Plan, 2024 Accessibility Progress Report, and/or Accessibility Feedback Process in an alternate format, by contacting us:
By mail:
Program Manager – Accessibility
C/O Compliance Department
Walmart Canada
1940 Argentia Road
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1P9
Accessible Format: Accessible formats of this Progress Report are available upon request. If you require an accessible format of this Plan, please use any of the contact methods (i.e., email, mail or phone) outlined in the “Feedback” section above.
1.5. Definitions
- “Accessibility” is the practice of ensuring that digital, physical and user experiences are designed for everyone, especially those with disabilities. Also referred to as Universal Design.
- A “disability” is any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment — or a functional limitation — whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.
- A “barrier” is anything — including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice — that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.
2. Progress under the Accessible Canada Act’s 7 Priority Areas
Diversity of thought and of associates are essential to achieving our mission at Walmart Fleet, with 0.6% of our workforce identifying as living with at least one disability. We are committed to sustaining an inclusive workforce and fostering an accessible workplace where every associate can reach their full potential.
We are taking 7 key actions to improve accessibility by June 2026. These actions are based on the feedback we received during our consultations and these actions will address barriers to accessibility that were identified by Walmart Fleet associates under the Accessible Canada Act’s 7 priority areas. The status of each priority area, as well as a description of our progress to date, is provided below.
2.1 Employment
There is an opportunity to increase associate awareness on accessibility and processes by which to get a workplace accommodation and / or adjustment.
Proposed Action (s)
1. All new and existing Walmart Fleet associates receive mandatory training on accessibility, disability awareness and accommodations. Ongoing.
2. People Leaders continue to provide accommodations and adjustments throughout the application, hiring process and Associate lifecycle. Ongoing.
3. Walmart Fleet Accommodations Policy will be launched in 2024.
4. Continue to discuss accessibility in the workplace with Walmart Fleet Associates on a regular basis, and to listen to their feedback as a method of assessing and course correcting, where applicable.
We created and delivered three (3) new training modules through our Learning Management System:
- Associate Accessibility Training outlines laws regarding accessibility, definitions of accessibility and barriers, how they may manifest in the workplace, our commitment to the prevention of new barriers. To raise awareness further, various scenarios test the associate’s knowledge through multiple choice answers.
- Associate Accommodation Training provides associates and People Leaders with the tools to effectively request accommodations and manage those requests respectively.
- We delivered an enterprise-wide mandatory Violence & Harassment Prevention Policy & Program training, which identifies disability as a protected ground from discrimination and harassment.
We are systematically providing accommodations throughout the application, hiring processes and associate lifecycle. Associates feel comfortable requesting accommodations, whether they are formal, informal and / or relating to a disability, which speaks to the accessibility of our accommodations process.
We deliver training to all management and supervisory teams involved in processing accessibility and accommodations requests and achieving our commitments to accessibility at Walmart Fleet.
2.2 The Built Environment
There is an opportunity to assess offices where Walmart Fleet operates for accessibility.
Proposed Action (s)
Walmart Canada conducted an accessibility assessment of its built environment in 2024. The results from the office space assessments apply to the office designs where Walmart Fleet operates.
The Walmart Canada team tasked with office designs, along with the Accessibility Manager, are reviewing accessibility best practices to embed in offices pace prototype designs.
2.3 Information and Communication Technologies (“ICT “)
There is an opportunity to provide alternate format of ICT, such as learning, policies and process documents.
Proposed Action (s)
To have alternate formats available, such as hard copies of online training and process documents; simplify language; include images and ‘how to’ instructions, as well as provide material in hard and soft copy.
Policies and process documents are posted on information boards, providing Associates with direct access to the documents when they are at a work location. Ongoing.
People Leaders bring hard copies of online material to review and discuss with Associates. Ongoing.
People Leaders work directly with Associates to explain and walk them through accessibility and accommodations policies, processes and forms. Ongoing.
There is an opportunity to improve truck software system to elevate accessibility of communications with dispatchers and GPS.
Proposed Action (s)
Explore potential improvement and / or upgrading in-truck software system for easier, more accessible communication channels with dispatchers.
Explore potential improvement to the GPS system for roadside updates.
To discuss with leadership and vendor for more seamless communication with dispatchers and road / travel information.
2.4. Communication, other than Information and Communication Technologies
There is an opportunity to expand how we disseminate information accessibly and inclusively.
Proposed Action (s)
To provide required documentation in hard copy and with large print text, and for People Leaders to have copies on hand for easy reference.
People Leaders have hard copies of relevant policies and processes on hand to discuss with Associates and answer any questions. Ongoing.
People Leaders make time to communicate HR update, policy and process related information with WM Fleet Associates, and provide alternate formats, if different from what is already available (e.g., printed documents).
2.5 The Procurement of Goods and Services and Facilities
There is an opportunity to provide feedback to truck leasing companies:
- Ergonomic and de-pressurised seating aligned with truck design
- Truck and trailer back door.
- Easier way to enter and exit truck.
Proposed Action (s)
To provide feedback to truck leasing company:
- Service requests for ergonomic seating, and other non-vendor related accommodation requests, in a timely manner. Ongoing.
- 4barn-door to roll-up door on the back of trucks and trailers to make it more accessible, and easier to back in and out of parked store spaces.
The comfort and safety of drivers is of outmost importance to Walmart Fleet, and we continue to improve with respect to ergonomics, safety and accessibility by working on solutions internally where we can, and with our vendors as required.
2.6 Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
There is an opportunity to streamline some of our internal processes to make them more accessible and inclusive.
Proposed Action (s)
Design and communicate new policies and business processes in an accessible manner by considering all Associates, including those who have disabilities.
Creating and implementing a Walmart Fleet Accommodations Policy and ensuring it is communicated in an accessible manner, such as offering the policy in alternate formats; posting it on the board; sending it to Associates, digitally and in hard copy; meeting with Associates to explain it to them, etc. Ongoing.
2.7 Transport
There is an opportunity to alleviate discomfort for long distance drivers.
Proposed Action (s)
Drivers to include accessibility and accommodations-based themes when providing the report on three issues at the end of their shift. Ongoing.
Work with the driver to identify solutions and apply the most effective solution in a speedy manner. Ongoing.
3. Feedback Process Description
There is opportunity to improve timing of required training and surveys to align with Fleet business.
Proposed Action (s)
To provide People Leaders and dispatchers with training and survey timelines in advance of due date so they may better plan and manage drivers’ schedules.
Share this feedback with the HR, Ethics & Compliance and Learning Teams to provide training and survey schedules ahead of time. Ongoing.
Gathering feedback from dispatchers and drivers is key, especially through grassroots meetings and end of shift reports, to ensure an inclusive and safe workplace at Walmart Fleet.
In fact, we gleaned through our consultations that Walmart Fleet is regarded as caring more about safety for all its Associates compared to other companies. Many drivers and Associates tend to return to Walmart Fleet because other companies are not as safe and inclusive. Focus on safety is of great important at Walmart Fleet, and it is appreciated and felt by all associates.
As we continue to receive feedback, we will continue to respond and take action to address it. The feedback we receive is essential to continuous improvement, and our quest to becoming a barrier-free employer.
Walmart Fleet recognizes the significance of the Accessibility Canada Act’s “Nothing Without Us” principle and its beneficial effect in ensuring that accessibility barriers are effectively identified, addressed, and prevented.
In 2023, we continued engaging with Walmart Fleet associates with disabilities to seek their perspectives on the accessibility of our policies, processes and ways of working.
The Walmart Fleet Accessibility Progress Report includes information derived from various consultations undertaken in 2023-2024 with associates with disabilities, including insights gathered about accessibility from other consultations such as our annual engagement survey, grassroots discussions, end-of-day reports, four (4) focus groups and 34 Accessibility Feedback surveys conducted during Walmart Fleet’s 2024 Annual General Meetings.
Walmart Fleet has established a process for collecting feedback from associates and members of the public. The Accessibility Program Manager is responsible for gathering and tracking feedback and ensures it is responded to in a timely fashion, and in collaboration with People Leaders, as required.
To date, Walmart Fleet gathered feedback through grassroots conversations, one-on-one conversations with direct reports, surveys and consultations.
Feedback retrieved during these different methods of information gathering were included in this progress report. Walmart Fleet has not received any feedback about its 2023-2026 Accessibility Plan or accessibility issues more generally at Walmart Fleet from the general public
Accessibility Plan For Walmart Canada
Animal Welfare
Charter on Plastics
Global Anti-Corruption Policy
Global Forced Labour Prevention Policy
Health Products Stewardship Association
Human Rights Statement
Position on Sustainable Seafood
Sustainable Chemistry in Consumables
Walmart BC Pay Transparency Report
Walmart Fleet ULC: Accessibility Plan 2023-2026
Walmart Fleet ULC: 2024 Accessibility Progress Report