With more of us working from home, schooling from home and staying home, we’re doing far more cleaning. A lot of that cleaning is being done using major appliances, like dishwashers and washing machines, more than ever before.
It’s Earth Week so there will be lots of focus on big sustainability goals – as there should be! But what we shouldn’t overlook is how small changes we can make at home can also have an impact. Changes that go beyond shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing your teeth.
This brings me to the product category I oversee - cleaning agents and detergents.
Recently, I reviewed with the team our extensive product assortment of cleaning agents and detergents and it struck me just how much this category has changed in terms of prioritizing sustainability.
The changes over the years have been significant, including:
- Walmart Canada, together with Walmart US, achieved our goal to sell only concentrated liquid laundry detergent in our stores moving us closer to our goal to drive waste out of our supply chain, saving water, plastic resin and cardboard.
- We’re actively supporting new laundry detergents that are optimally efficient when added to cold water. This will save you money on your utility bills and by using less hot water you’re also reducing your personal environmental footprint.
- For customers looking for natural options, Walmart Canada also carries detergents and soaps made with natural ingredients and scents.
People expect businesses like Walmart to step up and help solve the big challenges facing the world.
I am very proud to be able to help Canadians continue to make better choices so we can help preserve the environment for future generations.
And now if those future generations could load the dishwasher or help out with the laundry a little – even better!
Mark Vitalei is the Director of Consumables, Paper and Chemicals for
Walmart Canada