
Your best year yet: Walmart Canada is your one-stop shop for health and wellness

Jan. 25, 2024

By this point in January, studies show that more than a quarter of people have already quit their New Year's resolutions, but Walmart has your back (and biceps and abs) to help you stick to your goals.

Whether you started exercising more, eating healthier, getting organized or simply taking more time for self-care, Walmart Canada is your total health destination to help you maintain your progress all year. And with in-store, pickup and delivery options available, it’s so easy to save money and live better in 2024.

Get moving and motivated

The beginning of the year is like the starting line of a marathon, there’s anticipation and maybe some trepidation for the journey ahead.

And like the cheerleaders on the sidelines, Walmart has the products and support you need to be successful in your fitness journey. From kettlebells to yoga mats and walking pads, there’s something for everyone, regardless of your age or fitness level. As you start moving more, you can choose from a range of nutritious and flavourful products to fuel your fitness journey, including:

·       Protein powders, bars and shakes

·       Healthy meals and snacks

·       Water filter and flavoured cartridges for optimal hydration

“Canadians are focused on health and nutrition more than ever before, so we’re happy to have introduced a variety of new protein options available to customers who shop with us,” said Jill Hong, Senior Director, Merchandising – OTC, Walmart Canada.

Take charge of your mental wellbeing

From organizing your home to creating a regular bedtime ritual, to building a skincare regimen, Walmart Canada has the right storage bins, closet organizers, bedding, clean skincare, and beauty products to help you maintain healthy routines so you can look and feel great.

“Mental health is so important and one way to improve yours is to declutter your space to declutter your mind,” said Claudia Sampson, Omni Merchant, Storage and Organization, Walmart Canada. “We carry a large variety of sizes in storage totes and bins to help you de-stress and get organized!”

Give your health the attention it deserves

It’s cold and flu season but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it.

“A lot of people might not realize that there are many common health conditions and concerns which your Walmart Canada pharmacist can assess,” said Jill Hong, Senior Director, Merchandising – OTC, Walmart Canada. “They can recommend an appropriate course of treatment, including recommending an over-the-counter medication or in some cases, providing a prescription for certain minor ailments.”

Walmart Canada pharmacists can:

·       Write prescriptions for minor illnesses and allergies

·       Review your current medications

·       Provide vaccinations for preventable illnesses, the flu and COVID-19

·       Offer advice and a treatment plan to quit smoking

No matter where you are on your journey, Walmart Canada has everything you need to make 2024 your healthiest year yet. Now go out and finish that marathon!
